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Laura Iten

About me


Trainee Teacher

- Started riding at 7 years in a conventional riding school
- Introduction to Natural Horsemanship in the outback of Texas, USA
- Subsequently spending many long summer vacations on the ranch, learning lots about horse behaviour and training of various horses
- Studying with Karen Brown, Mikey Wanzenried, Britta Bafort, Walter Gegenschatz
- Introduction to the Ecole de Légèreté in 2012
- Studying with Stéphanie Durand, Berni Zambail, Gabriele Schweizer
- Trainee Teacher since January 2021(with Sylvia Stössel)




Email Address:

Phone number:





German, English, French


Mobile lessons:

Riding according to the principles of the Ecole de Légèreté
Work in-hand
Lungeing on the cavesson
Horse-Human Relationship: groundwork to improve communication, relaxation and harmony (mentally as well as emotionally)
>> Clarity brings peace.

The teachers are responsible for text and image in their profiles.

© 2021 by Philippe Karl & APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l'Ecole de Légèreté. Photography supplied courtesy of Guillaume Aymeric, Alain Laurioux, Reitanlage Hellwig & Matthes, Claudia Schipper, Philipp Seifert, Niels Stappenbeck, Meike Wix.

Website design by Philipp Seifert.

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