Apply for membership directly online – please choose your language:
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You also believe in respect for the horse.
You think it’s important that your training system is based on sound, scientifically reliable knowledge of horses.
You are firmly against using coercive gadgets.
You want to take a clear position in the discussion about Rollkur and other coercive training methods.
You want to see harmonious presentations involving horses that are expressive and enjoying their work in equestrian centres around the world.
You want to help preserve and promote the heritage of classical riding.
You want to make contact with like-minded equestrians around the world.
You want to bring your ideas and projects into the Ecole de Légèreté.
You want to support and encourage the publication of books, DVDs and articles on the philosophy of Légèreté.
You want to help, as part of an international community, to spread the word about the philosophy of Légèreté.
... then become a member of APPEL!
Join the swiftly growing international community of the friends and sponsors of the Ecole de Légèreté!
In these days of highly disputable training methods such as “low-deep-round” or “rollkur”, we take a clear stand: Horses should point their nose ahead – towards their future and not their past!
For the absolute respect of the horse
The central principle of the Ecole de Légèreté is the absolute respect of the horse. It excludes any use of force or coercive artificial aids, including side reins, draw reins, tightly closed nosebands, or any training methods that force the horse into unnatural positions. It applies to all types of horse and all equestrian disciplines. Its efficient training plan fully respects the nature of the horse, thus allowing any seriously motivated rider access to high school equitation, even with a “perfectly ordinary” horse.
The association “APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l’Ecole de Légèreté” was founded to spread the philosophy of Légèreté by providing funding and volunteer expertise for projects related to the Ecole de Légèreté – for the welfare of horses throughout the world.
As a member of APPEL, you will be part of the worldwide community supporting the spread of the philosophy of Légèreté around the world. Of course, you will yourself be entitled to apply for funding for your own projects promoting the Ecole de Légèreté.
As a bonus, you will have access to exclusive information on the Ecole de Légèreté and its projects in the APPEL Club, the restricted area of the APPEL site. Look forward to exclusive articles by Philippe Karl and his master instructors, recordings of theory lectures by Philippe Karl, videos of Ecole de Légèreté riders as inspiration for the training of your horse – and the APPEL Forum, where you can exchange views within the APPEL community, discuss training issues, update on the latest information and socialise with friends of the Ecole de Légèreté all over the world.
As a further bonus, you will receive a 10% discount on spectator fees at all the teacher training courses of the Ecole de Légèreté held by Philippe Karl and his master instructors all over the world. [To receive your discount, please send an e-mail with a receipt over the full spectator fee, signed by the course organiser, to Don’t forget to specify your bank account (for EU countries) or PayPal account (for non-EU countries). APPEL will then transfer the 10% discount – maximum 40 euros per member per year – onto your account.]
Finally, you will be granted a 10% discount on all products bearing the logos of APPEL and the Ecole de Légèreté (the latter for the licensed teachers) sold by Reitsport Hellwig: patches and stickers, saddle cloths, polo shirts, blouses and shirts, fleece jackets and softshell jackets. For more information, see the page Promotional Products.
How do I join?
To join the international community of APPEL, you can either download the membership application form and send it to the specified address or use our online membership application form:
Members recruit members
The association needs your help in recruiting new members – because more members ultimately means more financial support for more projects of the Ecole de Légèreté.
Go ahead and use your personal contacts. Talk to friends and acquaintances, riding students and horse enthusiasts, and bring APPEL to their attention. Contribute to strengthening the international community of the Ecole de Légèreté by promoting the association.
If you recruit a new member for APPEL, you will receive the APPEL basecap as a thank-you gift. Just inform the APPEL team by e-mail to about your recruit and give them your current address. After the new membership is activated, the APPEL basecap will be sent directly to your home.
Thank you for your commitment!
Offer not valid for the recruitment of trainee teachers and licenced teacher of the Ecole de Légèreté.