
Licensed Teachers of the Ecole de Légèreté
On this page, you will find the names and contact addresses of the riding teachers who have successfully completed the three-year basic training course in the Ecole de Légèreté and passed the corresponding exam. These teachers are officially authorised to teach the philosophy of Légèreté in the name of Philippe Karl.
As this training concept is legally protected by patent against plagiarism, distortions or arbitrary, unauthorised use, no one may refer to the Ecole de Légèreté or the lessons of Philippe Karl without having received the corresponding licence.
Licensed teachers who don’t continue to attend the advanced training clinics must present their work (their own horse and one of their students) every two years to validate their licence. Failing to do so without giving any reasons results in the licence becoming invalid. The licence may also be withdrawn on grounds of violations of the ethical principles of the Ecole de Légèreté (as described in Philippe Karl’s book “Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage”).
Warning: Unfortunately, there are sometimes persons who claim to be riding or teaching according to Philippe Karl’s philosophy of Légèreté and who use his name for advertising, but who in fact had no contact or very little direct contact with him and his system. Please make sure to check the appropriate qualifications.
If you are unsure about the qualification of someone who is not listed on this page, please feel free to contact us at appel.edl@gmail.com for more information.
Kelly Whitfield | Australia | Level 1 | kwhitfield@me.com | |
Leanne Williams | Australia | Level 1 | info@avocapark.com.au | |
Mandy Maiden | Australia | Foundation Level | sjmaiden@tpg.com.au | |
Susie Walker | Australia | Level 1 | walker.susieg@gmail.com | |
Sabrina Feuerstein | Austria | Level 2 | s.feuerstein@gmx.at | |
Patty John | Canada | Foundation level | pattyjohn2@shaw.ca | |
Iris Winkler | Denmark | Foundation Level | kontakt@ride-in-balance.com | |
Giansetto Claudine | FRANCE | Foundation Level | chevauxdulac@orange.fr | |
Bertrand Ravoux | France | Level 4 | bertrandravoux@yahoo.fr | |
Caroline Moison | France | Level 2 | cmoison@sfr.fr | |
Cécile Bérault | France | Level 2 | cecile.berault@lescentaures.fr | |
Sandra Ciano | France | Level 2 | infos@equizones.com | |
Alexandra Nell | Germany | Foundation Level | nellalexandra3@gmail.com | |
Andrea Walz | Germany | Level 1 | reitausbildung@andreawalz.de | |
Barbara Stübenrath | Germany | Level 2 | b.stuebenrath@web.de | |
Christiane Horstmann | Germany | Level 3 | info@reitschule-horstmann.de | |
Christina Maschitzki | Germany | Level 2 | cmaschitzki@t-online.de | |
David Scheer | Germany | Level 1 | davidscheer1974@gmail.com | |
Edith Herrmann | Germany | Level 2 | edithinfo@web.de | |
Gunnar Wiedner | Germany | Level 1 | evi.gunnar.wiedner@wanadoo.fr | |
Irene Boss | Germany | Level 1 | mail@irene-boss.de | |
Katja Lauer | Germany | Level 4 | katja.lauer@t-online.de | |
Lillith Bitter | Germany | Foundation Level | info@reiten-mit-leichtigkeit.de | |
Lisa Buhs | Germany | Foundation Level | l.buhs@gmx.net | |
Moira Walsh | Germany | Foundation Level | info@moira-walsh.de | |
Sabine Mosen | Germany | Master Level | info@sabine-mosen-legerete.de | |
Sandra Klein | Germany | Foundation Level | klein_sandra@freenet.de | |
Sonja Hellwig | Germany | Level 1 | reitanlagehema@gmail.com | |
Sonja Sattler | Germany | Level 1 | sonsattler@web.de | |
Susanne Dietrich | Germany | Level 1 | susanne.dietrich.1@gmx.de | |
Svenja Pemp | Germany | Foundation Level | svenja.pemp@web.de | |
Tamara Drunkenmölle | Germany | Level 1 | tamara-drunkenmoelle@posteo.de | |
Vanessa Pucker | Germany | Foundation Level | vanessa.schade.90@googlemail.com | |
Veronika Bühn | Germany | Master Level | vronibuehn@gmx.de | |
Veronika Perwo | Germany | Level 1 | APPEL.EDL@gmail.com | |
Edit Kappel | Hungary | Level 2 | kappeledit@gmail.com | |
Antonella Boffa Ballaran | Italia | Level 2 | antonellaboffab@gmail.com | |
Ettore Davide Brambilla | Italy | Level 1 | davide.brambilla68@yahoo.it | |
Francesco Melpignano | Italy | Level 1 | francomelpignano@gmail.com | |
Germana Pavan | Italy | Level 1 | germanapavan.pn@gmail.com | |
Markus Scaramuzza | Italy | Level 3 | info@scuoladileggerezza.com | |
Catherine Marshall | Scotland | Master Level | islamore@hotmail.com | |
Anna Wallén | Sweden | Foundation Level | hastsvans22@hotmail.com | |
Lena Danius | Sweden | Foundation Level | lena.danius@ekipage-1.se | |
Lena Kjellström | Sweden | Foundation Level | Lena@equusit.se | |
Candice Deneuville | Switzerland | Level 1 | shoupinoups@hotmail.com | |
Gabriele Greindl Schweizer | Switzerland | Level 1 | gabriele.schweizer@live.de | |
Isabelle Lehmann | Switzerland | Foundation Level | isabelle.lehmann@gmx.ch | |
Jeanne Bessire | Switzerland | Foundation Level | jeanne@cutohof.ch | |
Karin Battaglia | Switzerland | Level 1 | info@karin-hofmann.ch | |
Laura Ochsner | Switzerland | Foundation Level | laura.ochsner@gmx.ch | |
Peter Henssler | Switzerland | Level 3 | peter.henssler@legerete.ch | |
Petra Kindermann | Switzerland | Level 1 | petrakindermann@hispeed.ch | |
Sabrina Martin | Switzerland | Level 1 | bina.martin87@gmail.com | |
Sarah Husistein | Switzerland | Foundation Level | sarah.husistein@gmx.ch | |
Stéphanie Durand | Switzerland | Master Level | sdurand@bluewin.ch | |
Sylvia Stössel | Switzerland | Master Level | sylvia.stoessel@gmx.ch | |
Hannah Greindl | Switzerland | Level 1 | greindl.hannah@gmail.com | |
Brenda Crist | USA | Foundation Level | kissdressage@gmail.com | |
Liana Upton | United Kingdom | Foundation Level | ravenroydequestrian@yahoo.co.uk |
Bea Borelle | France | Master Level | info@bea-borelle.com
Céline Fouquet | France | Level 2 | celine-fouquet@neuf.fr
Emilie Gatineau | France | Level 1 | emilie74000@gmail.com |
Anette Bartholdy | Germany | Foundation Level | a-bartholdy@t-online.de |
Bettina Lanowy | Germany | Level 1 | b.lanowy@horsecoaching.de |
Claudia Steiert | Germany | Level 1 | lebenskuenstlerin77@web.de |
Hanna Horstmann | Germany | Foundation Level | hl.horstmann@web.de |
Melanie Bulmahn | Germany | Master Level | LaMel@gmx.li
Sarah Obieray | Germany | Foundation Level | sarah.zst@gmx.de |
Susanne Buck-Wegener | Germany | Level 1 | susannebuckwegener@gmail.com |
Alessandro Cavallaro | Italy | Foundation Level | info@clubippicosangiorgio.it |
Anna Vezzoni | Italy | Foundation Level | anna_vezzoni@libero.it |
Antonella BoffaBallaran | Italy | Level 2 | antonellaboffab@gmail.com
Beatrice Cinti | Italy | Foundation Level | beatrice.cinti98@gmail.com |
Luca Morini | Italy | Level 1 | l-morini@hotmail.it |
Martha Payne | Italy | Level 1 | marthapayneeng@gmail.com |
Nicolo Ballatore | Italy | Level 2 | nicoloballatore@gmail.com
Emmanuelle Dupraz | Switzerland | Level 1 | hautsdecorsinge@bluewin.ch |
Kornelia Bolli | Switzerland | Level 1 | bollinele@gmail.com |
Maya Schmid | Switzerland | Foundation Level | schmidmaya83@gmail.com
Renate Schneider | Switzerland | Level 1 | renateisaak@hotmail.com |
Walter Gegenschatz | Switzerland | Level 2 | wgegenschatz@bluewin.ch |
Yveline Gindrat | Switzerland | Foundation Level | yveline.gindrat@gmail.com |
James Riedeman | USA | Foundation Level | dressagejwr@aol.com |
Becky Holden | United Kingdom | Level 1 | Ridingfromthegroundup@gmail.com
Derek Clark | United Kingdom | Level 1 | derek@holisticequitation.co.uk |
Josh Daly | United Kingdom | Foundation Level | joshdaly@hotmail.co.uk |
Mark Fuller | United Kingdom | Foundation Level | marknorthwesthorseman@outlook.com
Nikki Stephens | United Kingsdom | Foundation Level | andrews50@sky.com