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Apply for APPEL Funding

As a member of APPEL, you can apply for funding for projects promoting the Ecole de Légèreté – whether you're planning a presentation at a horse fair or a Légèreté demonstration at your own stables. Funding could be granted, for example, through the payment of subsidies or by providing a budget for fairs.

To ensure that funds can be properly granted for a planned project, we recommend that you submit a project description to the President of the association, Sylvia Stössel, by 31 October of the year before the event is to take place (email to Please make sure to include a realistic cost estimate.

As a rule, projects will only be eligible for financial support if they relate to the Ecole de Légèreté as a whole; projects promoting individual teachers will not be funded.


Download grant policies in English | Deutsch

Download project description form in English | Deutsch | Français | Italiano

Download grant application form in English | Deutsch | Français | Italiano



Projects supported by APPEL so far

Dear Members of APPEL,


We would like to thank you very much for supporting the Ecole de Légèreté and its projects through your membership in APPEL, the sponsors’ association of the school.


Thanks to your membership fees and additional promotional contributions, we have been able to fund a growing number of presentations and projects promoting the school in the past years. These have significantly contributed to spreading the word about the philosophy of Légèreté in numerous countries around the world.


Since the foundation of the association, the following projects and presentations of the Ecole de Légèreté have been granted APPEL funding:

April 2014                       HansePferd horse fair                     Hamburg, Germany

November 2014               Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

March 2015                     Equitana horse fair                        Essen, Germany

April 2015                       BEA horse fair                               Bern, Switzerland

April 2015                       Nordpferd horse fair                      Neumünster, Germany

October 2015                  Faszination Pferd horse fair              Nuremberg, Germany

July 2015                         Equirando horse trekking festival       Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France

November 2015               Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

April 2016                       BEA horse fair                               Bern, Switzerland

April 2016                       HansePferd horse fair                     Hamburg, Germany

June 2016                        Youth promotion workshop              Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

July 2016                         Arena classical dressage festival      Sparreholm, Sweden

September 2016               Andalusian World Cup                  Las Vegas, USA

November 2016               Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

March 2017                     Equitana horse fair                        Essen, Germany

June 2017                        Youth promotion workshop              Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

November 2017               Faszination Pferd horse fair              Nuremberg, Germany

November 2017               Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

April 2018                       Mane Event / Red Deer                 Alberta, Canada

April 2018                       HansePferd horse fair                     Hamburg, Germany

June 2018                       Open Day Ecole de Légèreté           Kleindöttingen, Switzerland

June 2018                       Youth promotion workshop               Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

October 2018                  Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

November 2018               Equitana horse fair                        Melbourne, Australia

March 2019                     Equitana horse fair                        Essen, Germany

June 2019                        Open Day Ecole de Légèreté          Kleindöttingen, Switzerland

November 2019               Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

Unfortunately, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the major events in 2020 and 2021 where you would have been able to watch the work of the Ecole de Légèreté had to be cancelled. 
To enable you to benefit from its teachings nonetheless, the School enhanced its digital presence during this time. You will find a selection of online lectures and
conferences on the page Online Events and Digital Media.

April 2022                        Equitana horse fair                        Essen, Germany

May 2022                        Youth promotion workshop              Rodewald OT Lichtenhorst, Germany

June 2022                         Open Day                                   Waldbrunn, Germany

July 2022                          Youth promotion workshop              Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

July 2022                          Open Day Ecole de Légèreté          Kleindöttingen, Switzerland

March 2023                      Equitana horse fair                        Essen, Germany

April 2023                        Open Day Ecole de Légèreté            Angera, Italy

June 2023                         Youth promotion workshop              Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

June 2023                         Open Day Ecole de Légèreté          Kleindöttingen, Switzerland

August 2023                      Eurocheval horse fair                    Offenburg, Germany

September 2023                Youth promotion workshop              Rodewald OT Lichtenhorst, Germany

November 2023                Fieracavalli horse fair                     Verona, Italy

March 2024                     Youth promotion workshop               Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

May 2024                       Open Day                                    Waldbrunn, Germany

July 2024                         Equestria horse fair                         Tarbes, France

August 2024                     Youth promotion workshop               Beselich-Schupbach, Germany

September 2024               Open Day Kranichstein                   Darmstadt, Germany

October 2024                  Equifest Equestrian Festival               Taupo, New Zealand

November 2024               Fieracavalli horse fair                      Verona, Italy

November 2024               Equestrian Fair                               Leighton Buzzard, England

We’re looking forward to meeting you at one of these events!

© 2021 by Philippe Karl & APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l'Ecole de Légèreté. Photography supplied courtesy of Guillaume Aymeric, Alain Laurioux, Reitanlage Hellwig & Matthes, Claudia Schipper, Philipp Seifert, Niels Stappenbeck, Meike Wix.

Website design by Philipp Seifert.

Privacy Policy             Impressum

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