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Lena Danius

About me


Foundation Level

My motto: Dialog between horse and rider makes everybody grow. I have been teaching all over Sweden and also in Finland for over 10 years from may base of operation near Stockholm, the capital of Stockholm.

Dialog får människor och hästar att växa och utvecklas. Mitt mål med min undervisning är att ge mina elever praktiska verktyg och självförtroende att skola sina hästar till trygga, glada och sunda ridhästar.




Email Address:

Phone number:



Mörbyvägen 36, 186 32 Vallentuna


Swedish, English


Mobil lessons, clinics, lecture, lessons on school horses.
Lessons in natural horsemanship, work in hand, longing and riding.

The teachers are responsible for text and image in their profiles.

© 2021 by Philippe Karl & APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l'Ecole de Légèreté. Photography supplied courtesy of Guillaume Aymeric, Alain Laurioux, Reitanlage Hellwig & Matthes, Claudia Schipper, Philipp Seifert, Niels Stappenbeck, Meike Wix.

Website design by Philipp Seifert.

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