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Sarah Cullen

About me

New Zealand

Trainee Teacher

I love that Legerete is completely in line with my hearts desires about horses & training - it's a whole horse approach & individualised - it considers everything & works efficiently to help horses. Nothing is out of their capabilities & every step is logical & prepared for - progression (& dressage) is joyful! The horses body's feel good & strengthened while freed from bracing & tension, as well as the horses mind which is calm & able to learn & produce their response. This is truly the forming of a deep partnership - dance partners who both enjoy their role & have fun every time they dance!




Email Address:

Phone number:


New Zealand

53 Broadwood Rise

+64 21 2546011



Lessons • clinics • horse purchase • mentor/support
I am passionate about sharing with all riders of any age & discipline the Legerete way - it makes a huge difference by just the smallest cues & riders love how easy & logical it is. I hope this becomes the 'normal way to train' for ALL riders in the future - for the benefit of ALL horses world wide.

The teachers are responsible for text and image in their profiles.

© 2021 by Philippe Karl & APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l'Ecole de Légèreté. Photography supplied courtesy of Guillaume Aymeric, Alain Laurioux, Reitanlage Hellwig & Matthes, Claudia Schipper, Philipp Seifert, Niels Stappenbeck, Meike Wix.

Website design by Philipp Seifert.

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