Sabine Mosen
Hallerstraße 18
31171 Hallerburg
+49 5044 881248
+49 162 2358945
Riding according to the Ecole de Légèreté
Work in hand
Theory lectures
Equestrian vita
“My aim is and always has been what many classical riding masters have described: perfect unity with my horse –
a pleasure to the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer’ eye. This is what I want to be able to teach as well.”
Started to ride at age 6
Training with various instructors of the German Equestrian Federation (FN), among them a friend of Liselotte Linsenhoff, and with Harry Boldt (1983)
1982: Qualification as FN Licensed Riding Instructor (“Trainer B”)
Teaching regularly since 1982, students of all levels and ages in dressage
1984: Working one year at a Trakehner stud
1981–1987: Studies of agriculture (animal breeding) at the University of Bonn, qualification: Agricultural Engineer (“Diplomagraringenieurin”)
1990: Qualification: Master Certificate in horse breeding and husbandry (FN) (“Pferdewirtschaftsmeisterin Zucht und Haltung (FN)”)
1998–today: Training according to the philosophy of Légèreté with Philippe Karl
2001: Working closely together with Philippe Karl at the Trakehner Stud Webelsgrund
2004–2007: Basic training course of the Ecole de Légèreté
Since 2011: Master Teacher of the Ecole de Légèreté
How and why I came to riding in Légèreté with Philippe Karl
After learning to ride with light aids as a child, I attended clinics with various well-known instructors. However, the more advanced the level of training became, the more powerfully the aids had to be given. The study of the teachings of the old masters made me pause: In fact, it should be the other way round – the better a horse is trained, the lighter and more invisible the aids of the rider should become!
In 1998, in search of a training path that met this requirement, I came to know Philippe Karl. His awesome experience, great knowledge and logical explanations, adapted to the nature of horses, convinced me wholly of his philosophy.
What distinguishes the Ecole de Légèreté? It respects the nature of every horse and thus accepts to train all horses independently of their breed. It is based on the teachings of the old masters and incorporates the latest scientific knowledge, as well as much experience. It provides a logical training plan, endorses the separation and releasing of the aids (horse in self-carriage) – all this under the premise that correct movements follow from corresponding good balance. Coercive means and auxiliary reins etc. are taboo. In this way, riding and teaching are fun again!
At a time when dressage is dominated by economic aspects and we are exposed to fashions, such as “Rollkur” and “long–deep–round”, of trainers whose virtuosity in the saddle is often not nearly sufficient, I am grateful for having found in Philippe Karl a highly esteemed teacher.